§ 111-5. Placement of donation bins.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    There shall be no more than two donation bins per premises.
    The donation bin colors shall be one of the following: red, black, tan, green. If two donation bins are located on a property, both donations bins must be of the same color.
    No donation bin shall be placed forward of the front building line of a building located on the same lot in which the donation bin is placed.
    No donation bin shall be placed closer than six feet to any property line.
    No donation bin shall be placed where it will impede pedestrian or vehicle traffic, which includes sight lines, sidewalks, parking spaces, etc. It may be permissible to install a donation bin in a parking area provided the Code Enforcement Officer of the Building Department deems that adequate parking exists. No more than one parking space may be utilized for this purpose. Placement of the bins shall follow the intent of the site plan on file for the lot. If there is no existing site plan on file for the lot, then Planning Board approval is required.